InterCare DX, Inc. formerly known as InterCare Diagnostics, is organized in the State of California. In Business since 1991, InterCare is a USFDA registered biomedical and other innovative software products development and services company, with main office located at 20280 South Vermont Avenue, Suite 215, Torrance, California 90502, USA, and international partners located worldwide.
INTERCARE DX, INC., Is committed to providing seven day, 24-Hour support to our clients. Support is available from product specialists directly involved with clients through our web site.
Email: Phone: (866) 767-4832 Facsimile: (310) 693-8082
ICE™ (InterCare Clinical Explorer) is an enterprise level Point of Care Solution that can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings for clinical documentation by virtually any healthcare provider.Over 10 years of research and development have been spent in the development of the ICE™ software. The strength of the ICE™ application is derived from differentiated core technologies consisting of the following:
ICE™ Telemedicine and Telehealth application is an enterprise level Point of Care Solution that can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings for clinical documentation by virtually any healthcare provider. Our user-friendly interface that offers access to care via mobile devices, the internet, video and phone, whenever and wherever each individual chooses.We offer 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year access to high-quality, on-demand Telemedicine and Telehealth platform without the burdens associated with travel and wait times.
Use web conference solution free of charge powered by InterCare. Host your meetings, conferences, webinar online. Our platform offers following
The Company developed the Mirage Systems Multimedia Biofeedback software program in 1994. This is a cross-platform program available in both Microsoft Windows 3.X including windows 95; 98 and Apple Macintosh platforms. This software became the first United States FDA approved software program for neuromuscular re-education and biofeedback training. The Company also has four other software products in the market including the "Body Pain Trigger Points Program", one of our best selling software products, with over 20,000 copies sold.
InterCare Clinical Explorer (ICE™) is an innovative software application designed to integrate virtually all aspects of the Healthcare Enterprise. ICE™'s extensive, scalable system flexibility allows its adaptation to clinical workflow, operating independently in centralized and decentralized facilities. The program features intuitive order entry, "tapering" orders, a clinical knowledge base, digital video enhanced patient education module, real-time electro-physiological data capture and display, voice command, voice recognition, digital dictation module and numerous other capabilities to complement and document the diagnostic and treatment processes, including unlimited free-text notes. Microsoft OCX, GRID, SQL Server and PUSH technologies are provided on ICE™ , and the system provides real time information to physicians and other healthcare providers on a need-to-know basis. Maximized information displays increase workflow efficiency by minimizing mouse clicks and screen changes. ICE™ is available for both inpatient and outpatient clinical documentations, thus enabling healthcare providers to be able to create a life-time longitudinal multimedia patient clinical record. InterCare has also transitioned the ICE™ software solution into an Internet web-browser enabled application. This will facilitate access to the ICE™ data repository. ICE™ Internet capabilities will facilitate the proactive participation of the consumer in the entire care delivery process. As such, InterCare will have ICE™ positioned to become a significant player in the growing market of Internet-based, e-healthcare community solutions. This will significantly expand the scope of available healthcare solutions.
The InterCare Vascular Diagnostic Center was developed to measure vascular health in patients before exhibiting symptoms. It does this by estimating atherosclerotic burden and arterial compliance. The results can be used to assist physicians in assessing and managing patients already demonstrating or with the potential for developing underlying vascular disease. A comprehensive system for measuring atherosclerotic burden, this technology uses segmental plethysmography which measures and records the instantaneous variation in arterial volume in a specific limb segment during each cardiac cycle. Numerous studies support the finding that arterial compliance relates directly to cardiovascular disease or potential of stroke.
An estimated 16.7 million - or 29.2 percent of total global deaths - result from the various forms of CVD, many of which are preventable by action on the major primary risk factors: unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and smoking. Of the 16.7 million deaths from CVDs every year, 7.2 million are due to ischaemic heart disease, 5.5 million to cerebrovascular disease, and an additional 3.9 million due to hypertension and other heart conditions.
FLC National Awards
Hyperspectral Imaging Technology for Wound Care
Microwave Tissue Soldering for Immediate Wound Closure
Endothelium Preserving Microwave Treatment for Atherosclerosis
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